10 Ways to Improve Diversity and Inclusion at the Workplace

Most people think diversity in the workplace merely extends to treating everyone equally. However, it involves a lot more than that. There is a gap in representation of women or people of color in top management roles across the United States. Unconscious biases creep into how we interact with people or make decisions. It doesn’t matter if we’re evaluating performance or hiring for a new position. Being aware of unconscious bias when making decisions is just half the battle won. Organizations must have in place strategies to improve diversity at all levels.

1. Start by acknowledging the lack of diversity

Sometimes, a culture doesn’t acknowledge the need for diversity. Alternatively, it creates an environment that treats employees from underrepresented groups equally. Lack of acknowledgment results in weakening of employees. The top management must communicate how the organization can benefit from diversity. Diversity ensures the representation of diverse employees extends across all levels.

2. Evaluate the current candidate screening process

Most positions in most organizations are filled through internal hires or referrals. Maybe most of your workforce belongs to a specific demographic. These new hires are now unfairly skewed towards the same demographic. Also, the process of screening applications is often affected by unconscious bias. Consequently, this results in specific demographics being underrepresented in the candidate pool. Assess the current screening process. This presents the reasons why diverse candidates are not being hired. Accordingly, measures can be taken to post jobs online. Don’t depend solely on referrals or internal hires. The process of screening applications can be altered. This will include a more diverse pool of candidates.

3. Offer training to improve Diversity

A mandatory diversity training program once a year might not work as expected. Some employees feel compelled to attend it. Instead, a better strategy would be to organize several events or programs throughout the year. These programs help spread awareness of the benefits of a diverse workforce. As a result, it increases the prospects of employees accepting the need for it.

4. Create mentorship opportunities

Altering the candidate screening process increases diverse hiring at the entry level. In contrast, it’s equally important to ensure that diverse candidates get the opportunity to grow within the organization. Additionally, they take on leadership roles in the future. Establishing mentorship programs can help candidates from minority groups. They learn invaluable leadership skills from their mentors. Mentorship prepares them for taking on top management positions in the future.

5. Communicate with sensitivity

It’s not enough to announce policies that talk about diversity and inclusion. All communication should be delivered in non-biased terms. Use the correct terminology when referring to a specific group. Similarly, images in brochures, on the website, or any other mode of communication needs to include people from diverse groups. Thus, it creates a more inclusive environment where employees don’t feel sidelined.

6. Non-biased celebrations

Thanksgiving and Christmas are the most celebrated holidays in the United States. At the same time, these holidays might not be significant to employees from minority groups. They might prefer to have time off for holidays they celebrate. The best way to resolve this is by allowing flexible holidays or time off. Flexible time off lets employees choose this based on their traditions. Besides holidays, celebrations at the workplace should cover minority holidays. As a result, every employee feels included. It increases awareness and appreciation of different cultures.

7. Create transparency in performance indicators and pay structures

One of the leading factors that reflect bias is the gap between promotions and raises between the two groups. For example, a male employee gets a higher raise than a female employee who performs at the same level. Similarly, a Black or Hispanic employee who performs well is overlooked for a promotion. Define the average compensation range for each post. Also, communicate the factors that constitute the performance indicators for each role. Doing this creates a fairer and more equitable environment. Employees are aware of what they need to do to become high performers.

8. Encourage cross-training

Bias often extends to specific roles and functions across the organization. For instance, Black or Hispanic employees are in production. Women are in sales functions. White males take on management. The best solution for correcting this imbalance is to facilitate cross-training to allow employees to work in various roles across the organization. It will foster a collaborative environment. It also equips diverse employees with additional skills that help them move up the ladder more efficiently.

9. Facilitate an efficient grievance redressal system to improve diversity

For diversity and inclusion to thrive in the workplace, every employee must have the opportunity to be heard. The best plans can come to nothing when employees avoid speaking up. For instance, they are afraid of a backlash. Instead of a formal remedial system, consider adopting a softer mediation approach. A softer approach resolves issues that don’t violate laws. Hire the services of an external mediator instead of depending on HR. It reduces the risk of bias in the remedial process.

10. Hiring a diversity team

Implementing diversity initiatives cannot be a task handed down to sales, HR, or any other function. A company that seeks to improve diversity should hire a dedicated diversity team. The team includes a manager to oversee the creation and implementation of initiatives.

Creating an environment that fosters diversity cannot happen in a few days or months. It should be a continuous process that includes reviewing the effect of actions and initiatives. Reviews help remedy things that don’t work. Finally, more effective strategies are introduced to make employees feel valued and secure.

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Episode 54 : Equipping DEI & ERG Leaders for Sustainable Success

Recommended Reading

Forbes : 20 Ways Leaders Can Improve Diversity, Equity And Inclusion


Diverseek serves as a platform for meaningful conversations, education, and advocacy surrounding issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.