Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are gaining momentum worldwide, and companies implementing DEI initiatives over the past few years understand the significance of organization-wide integration for its success. To be effective, the DEI strategy needs to synchronize with the organization’s overall strategic plan. Only then will substantial benefits such as increased employee engagement, improved financial performance and effective decision-making be experienced. Unless the efforts of the DEI team percolate through every level of the organization, one can only expect fragmented results.
Whether your organization is rolling out a DEI program for the first time or correcting its course after a few unsuccessful attempts at effectively implementing initiatives, knowing these 3 key elements will help keep the efforts on the right track.
Trust lies at the center of acceptance of new initiatives. The process of devising DEI initiatives must consider the opinions and ideas of employees across varied identities and openly share the decisions being taken and their likely impact on the workforce. Otherwise, the initiatives will be met with resistance due to a lack of trust. Transparency in the process and motives behind the initiatives foster trust, thereby increasing the likelihood of employee buy-in for the DEI programs.
Take the example of how compensation is designed in your organization. Often, it lacks transparency, leading to the impression that decisions are inequitable. By sharing information or publishing the process and guidelines that determine employee compensation, employees have a clearer idea of the steps that formulate compensation at various levels.
Honest and open communication is key to helping employees understand the process behind decisions. Transparency doesn’t mean sharing information that the DEI team thinks is relevant. It should include listening to employee feedback on issues and openly communicating the reasoning behind decisions.
For diversity initiatives to succeed, it’s essential to find a balance of power at different levels of the organization. In most organizations, the historical hierarchy dictates the concentration of power in the hands of the senior leadership. Instead of giving power only to those at the top, the aim should be to flatten the power-sharing structure to include diverse voices in decision-making.
The first step towards making power-sharing more equitable is identifying where it is concentrated. Based on this, it’s easy to identify who else needs to be included in decision making to ensure diverse voices are heard. The senior leadership might ultimately decide but giving other employees a specific level of power in the decision-making process makes them feel included and engaged. While it might not be possible to accord equal power-sharing to representatives from different levels, the leadership must listen to their voices. In some cases, they can be given the right to vote for or against decisions based on understanding the impact on employees.
It’s not enough to give employees power to voice and vote without creating an environment free of bias to encourage them to share their ideas and opinions without fear of any backlash.
Rolling out DEI initiatives without assigning accountability for its progress is meaningless. Outlining the persons responsible for specific aspects of the program makes it easier to evaluate whether DEI goals are being achieved.
As a first step, the organization needs to define measurable DEI goals such as diversity representation, employee satisfaction and retention, advancement opportunities for underrepresented groups. Accordingly, accountability for achieving each of the goals can be assigned to individuals across various levels of the organization.
Accountability can cross different levels of the organization. Just as the senior leadership or board is accountable to external stakeholders, every employee can be held accountable for more minor aspects contributing to creating an inclusive environment, such as reducing conflicts at the workplace or minimizing biases. The best way to ensure employees focus on accountability is to link it to performance management.
DEI programs are successful when the three factors work in tandem. Transparency in decision-making outlines the processes involved, making it easier to identify and balance power-sharing, based on which accountability can be assigned to employees. When the three elements work together, the results often move beyond DEI goals to transform organizational culture, creating an environment where employees feel valued and thrive in their roles. Such an environment has a lasting impact on improving the organization’s performance, increasing productivity, and engaging and retaining employees.
Episode 61 : Holding DEI work to a Higher Standard
USC Annenberg : How to Create a DEI Committee So More Voices Can Be Heard
The Diverseek podcast aims to create a platform for meaningful conversations, education, and advocacy surrounding issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in various aspects of society.